Award Nominations for Audio Drama work

Over the past year (and a bit more…) I worked with Brandon Crose of Crose to Home Productions to develop their new Audio Drama ‘The Ordinary Epic


As it seems to be the season it looks like we are in the running for some pretty cool awards in the world of Audio Drama. The show has been shortlisted for the BBC Audio Drama 2020 awards and nominated for the Audio Verse Awards 2019, including ‘Best Action Sound Design’.

The show is a serialized fantasy tabletop audio drama about the real and imagined lives of five friends and the challenges they face together. This provided a great opportunity for me to play between high fantasy sound design and juxtapose with gritty realistic and mundane ‘IRL’ sounds.

This was a real passion project for me and whilst it had its challenges I’m very proud of the final result. If you have any interest in nerd culture, fantasy or even table top games I would love to hear your feelings about the show.

Here’s what AV Club said about the show:

AV Club

‘…When these players drop into character, the sound design cleverly shifts from that of a small, enclosed basement to the wide, echoing fantasy world they romp around in. We can experience the game just as they do: as a living entity that reflects their conversations and their arguments in the real world, but also brings us a sweeping soundscape and beautiful musical design. [Elena Fernández Collins]’ 

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